Stone Markers: The Parishes and Parish Boundary Markers of Dartmoor

Notes: A Parish is considered a ‘Dartmoor Parish’ on Dartefacts if its boundary either wholly or partially enters the Dartmoor National Park Authority Boundary (DNPAB). All of the included ‘Dartmoor Parishes’ Boundary Markers are listed, even if they are beyond the DNPAB so as to allow a full ‘beating of the bounds’ of these ‘Dartmoor Parishes’. This means that some Dartmoor Parishes that extend beyond the DNPAB will inevitably share Boundary Markers with other external/ ‘non-Dartmoor Parishes’ but as these ‘external’ parishes do not penetrate the DNPA boundary they will not have their parish outline drawn.
Acknowledgements: The GPX lines within this classification were first downloaded and edited by Max Piper from the Devon County Council Website ( They were then adapted for integration within the Dartefacts database and map displays by Rob Naylor and Peter Kearney. The use of .gpx files within OS Open Layers Maps was developed for Dartefacts by Simon Battersby Ltd.
Thanks must also go to the following, whose help has enabled the compilation of Parish Boundary Markers in this classification; Max Piper, Tim Jenkinson, Paul Buck, Dave and Kath Brewer, Paul Rendell, Mark Fenlon, Dave Hamnett, Keith Ryan, Tim Sandles, Andy Howse, Steve Grigg and Sheron Vowden.

Finally Dartefacts would like to acknowledge the use of both the current and historic maps of the Ordnance Survey within this classification.

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