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This one took quite a few visits to find. It helped to locate another BM further north which turned out to be 10m further north than its sidebyside location suggested. This one turned out to be 12m further north. The rock itself is fairly typical for a BM, with an obvious apex, but it is significantly eroded and is why, although noted on previous visits it was missed. Focussing in on 10m further north and using the GPS to create a line between the BMs north and south made me focus in on this rock. In doing so I finally noticed two small cuts which are the remains of the base of the left and right dart arms. The middle dart is now entirely eroded away. There may have been a divot but that top apex area is now too far gone. If only one cut existed it could be a cavity caused by a crystal that had fallen out but the two cuts are just too unlikely to be anything natural. If it wasn’t for almost 10 years of BM hunting I would not believe this to be a BM, but I have seen almost similar examples of how BMs can erode to this state.. however this one has to be in the worst condition I have ever identified. But, the location, the two remaining cuts and a suitable rock with a good apex all combine to confirm.
I have not yet updated the GPS location here or added photos.
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