B.M. 1458.3, facing W (450 m)

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4 (0%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: Moreoutdoor, SteveGrigg, dartefact, Max Piper

Rob Naylor: Happened to be out this way again today and decided to have another look around to see if I could find the B.M.  It is much closer to the trig than the SidebySide reference indicated. Unfortunately I had no GPS with me so did not get accurate fix, but it is a short way SW of the trig. I will return soon to get fix and photo added.

Rob Naylor: Added photo (Sun 21 Aug 2022).. hopefully Max will get an accurate NGR today!

…he did, SX 59237 71179. Practically the same!

Rob Naylor: Monday 13th March 2023. I happened to be out this way again trying to find 3 elusive B.M.s on this line and thought I’d finally get a fix on this B.M. with my GPS. My original NGR (from sidebyside) was SX 59237 71180 but that has now been updated to about 14 metres further north(ish) as now shown by the new NGR above. Not sure how Max got a similar NGR to the previous?

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