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The name of the ‘Mountain of Cut’ appears in Tim Sandles’ Legendary Dartmoor Gazetteer. It is appropriate, for Cut Hill rises to 603m above sea level (or 1981 feet). It is a tremendous eminence that rises higher than all of the surrounding hills, and is so broad as to capture the catchments of the Tavy and two Dart Rivers. Views can only be described as sensational (on a clear day of course!), with almost the entire moor, save for the far southern part, visible. Nowhere else can one feel so elevated and centralised on Dartmoor than from this hill.
Known for letterboxing, there are dozens of mini features peppered across the slopes of the hill, including inscribed crosses, two peat passes, inscribed letters, a rain gauge, OS benchmarks, and more. There is also the summit stone row which points NE from SW, as well as a barrow.
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