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19 (1%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: Pat, Gribbin, Lotti, Simon40, CocosCrew, John Deakins, mkcladi, Neil Handley, Dartmoor Paul, ejt211, Sheron, BevDickinson, Max Piper, Amanda Ellis, Fidget, Anne17, SteveGrigg, bobfitzy62, The_greenman

Notes: An interesting small stone marker with a brass plaque on it marking a peat crossing made by a Frank Phillpotts who died in 1909 “which may be of use to hunting and cattlemen“. Close to Statts House on Winneys Down at the North End of the Peat Pass. (Information courtesy of Mike Shere).
Reference: Photo kindly provided by Jon Doe.
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