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7 (0%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: Dave Hamnett,, SteveGrigg, Dartmoor Paul, mkcladi, Max Piper, bobfitzy62
First mentioned in Dartmoor News, Issue 153, pg3.
The following images (and featured image) were kindly supplied by Anne Kingdon, who lives locally.
Anne Kingdon: “My 1840 photos taken on jan 12th. Had to rub moss away. Thought it said 1860 but no, it is 1840. Thoughts on 1840 stone – There was a new map of Walkhampton tithes drawn up in 1840 and it is close to parish boundary . Some folk suggest a favourite horse buried here. It is also close to a cross roads and Parish boundary between Meavy and Walkhampton so could it be a suicide grave. Maybe linked to horse tramway ? Connected to Burham ?? I have contacted local history group so they are scratching their heads as we speak !! Lockdown meanderings lead me to this tho’ resident of area for many years.“
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