Green Hut Parking Area

A parking area on North Dartmoor when live firing is not taking place.

Acknowledgement: Following details supplied by Clive Darke: “From Okehampton camp moor-gate cattle-grid, turn right. Pass track junctions on right (Anthony Stile) to track junction at the foot of West Mill Tor.

It was used as a location in the “Jamaica Inn” TV series (the inn itself was a temporary structuring built on the slopes of East Mill Tor near New Bridge).

WD Stone No.07, Okehampton

Notes: Steve Grigg has very kindly supplied Dartefacts with both the NGR and details for this item. There were 8 War Department boundstones erected at Okehampton Camp but not all remain. This one is in a wall, a nice, clear example that was once obscured by reeds.

Reference: Steve Grigg: Dartmoor Explorations

Acknowledgement: The featured image was kindly supplied by Mark Fenlon, who with Paul Rendell also collected information about these stones.