Butterdon Hill Enclosure

Acknowledgement: The NGR and information for this ruined building were kindly supplied by Steve Grigg (Dartmoor Explorations).

Steve adds that this was recorded in 2017 (Lee Bray, DNPA Archaeologist), the building described as comprising “…tumbled walling up to 2.0 metres wide and 0.5 metres high ….. measuring c. 12 metres long by 7.0 metres wide.


  • Dartmoor HER

Butterdon Hill Building Foundations

Acknowledgement: The NGR and information for this ruined building were kindly supplied by Steve Grigg (Dartmoor Explorations).

Steve adds that this was recorded in 2017 (Lee Bray, DNPA Archaeologist), the building described as comprising “…tumbled walling up to 2.0 metres wide and 0.5 metres high ….. measuring c. 12 metres long by 7.0 metres wide.


  • Dartmoor HER

Harford/ Ugborough – Uninscribed BS, SW of Butterdon Hill

Acknowledgement: The photo, NGR and information for this boundary stone were kindly supplied by Steve Grigg (Dartmoor Explorations).

Steve adds: “As recorded by H. Riley on the HER. BS off the Ugborough / Harford parish boundary by about 40m / 50m. Its 0.9m high” (Very good! MP)