Huccaby Races, Horse Measure

Notes: Steve Grigg provides the following details: This rather incongruous slab of concrete (approx 0.9m x 2.5m) is a platform on which the horses from the Huccaby Races (late 19th century / early 20th century) were accurately measured. As described on the Legendary Dartmoor website: “When pitting horse against horse in a race it is vital that all the competitors are of an equal measure to ensure fair play and for this a level base was needed“.

Reference: Steve Grigg, who also kindly supplied Dartefacts with the NGR.

Max Note: Classified under ‘Misc. Stones’ until I can work out what it should go under!

Cox Lake Head

Aka Cocks Lake.


  • Sandles, T. (undated): Legendary Dartmoor, Gazetteer.