Assycombe Brook Foot

Or Assacombe Brook.


  • Sandles, T. (undated): Legendary Dartmoor, Gazetteer.

Slotted Gatepost in middle of hut circle

Acknowledgement: This item was mentioned by Neil Oxenbury in the Facebook Group ‘Dartmoor 365’.

“G13 Fernworthy. On my first visit into Fernworthy Plantation yesterday I came across a large hut Circle (or maybe roundhouse) at approx SX657837, not far from the road, near Sandeman Bridge.
Within the structure there was a stone with 5 notches cut in to it. Does anyone know what this Stone is? Is it part of the original structure ( to support the roof maybe) or is it a much later addition?”

It does appear to be a slotted gatepost.
The NGR is only 6 figure and so a visit for an accurate GPS fix is required.

Sandeman Bridge

So named because it was designed by a Mr Edward Sandeman, who also had a massive influence on the design of Burrator Dam.