Dry Lake, O Brook, Tinners’ Hut

Acknowledgement: Steve Grigg who references Jeremy Butler.


  • Butler, J. (1991): Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities: Volume 4 – The South-East.

Dry Lakes Gert


  • Sandles, T. (undated): Legendary Dartmoor, Gazetteer.

Holne Moor Spring

Notes: This little spring can be found by taking the west track leading up to Ryder’s Hill from Combestone Tor… In fact, that very path crosses just below the small mire.

Holne Moor Gert

Notes: This is a massive gert stretching north to south for some distance above the O Brook. Its southern extremity is noticed when taking the west track up to Ryder’s Hill from Combestone Tor. It is not an eyesore (although it would’ve in its heyday); it has blended into the landscape well and is evidence of what people used to do up here.