Middle Vag Tor Vermin Trap

Described by Eric Hemery (1983) as “a walled pit measuring 10 ½ feet by 3 feet 4 inches.” Vag Hill Warren was a rabbit warren (of a few on Dartmoor) which R.G. Haynes remarked was “about 520 acres” and that “the 1613 lease defines the area of the warren which lay between the River Dart, Yar Tor, and Corndon Tor.” It is the best example in the area.


  • Haynes, R.G. (1970): Vermin Traps and Rabbit Warrens on Dartmoor
  • Hemery, E. (1983): High Dartmoor – Land and People

Middle Vag Tor

This is a relatively small tor (when compared to others, looking at you Luckey Tor!), but it is very picturesque and accessed by walking south from Dartmeet. There are three main piles.
