Harbourne Head

This has to be one of the most obvious of the river heads on Dartmoor. It is a fairly large bright green and mossy depression giving rise to the Harbourne, a relatively minor river on the high moor. A path to the north that also passes the standing stone gets you really close to the head.

Parnell’s Hill


  • Sandles, T. (undated): Legendary Dartmoor, Gazetteer.

Harbourne Well

Notes: The exact location seems to be unknown, but I think this is the feature referred to.  I believe the term ‘well’ is used loosely!

Eric Hemery (1983) suggested that at the heads of many Dartmoor watercourses were small pools or tarns, which would’ve resembled lakes, hence ‘lake’ is commonly used across the moor.


  • Sandles, T. (undated): Legendary Dartmoor, Gazetteer.