I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following for their kind donations. These donations have all helped to keep the Dartefacts website maintained and further developed for all explorers of Dartmoor.
Valued Dartefacts Supporters – up to £20
Mark Rowles, Rockberry Apartment, Ian Mayhew, Christopher Burridge-Barney, Michael Thompson, Peter Caton, Elizabeth Miall, Michael Jeffery, John Horne, Colin Poulter, Andrew Howse
Star Dartefacts Supporters – £20+
Anthony Colson, Michael Andrews, Adrian Broad, Karen Howell, Michael Jeffery
Thank you to all the above people for their generous donations.
If you would like to donate to Dartefacts, so that the site can continue to exist and develop further, please use the ‘Donate’ button (top right on the Home Page).
Rob Naylor (Dartefacts)
PS All donations go into the magic rock basin, so if you’ve donated you may now make a wish..