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Or Avon Head, although there are many Avon’s in Britain but only one Aune!
This is a really lonely place, perhaps the remotest on the South Moor. Here, from the dangerous and unstable bog, springs what is further downstream an exciting, lively river. At the head is the Luckcombe Stone, a solitary rock in the middle of nowhere, and nearby is a tinners’ hut. To stand here is to stand in the wilderness, a location few visit and to which Dartmoor reveals her truest colours. On a sunny day in summer you are only accompanied by the gentle zephyr across moor grass and the call of the skylark; on a mist-enshrouded day this is a most unpleasant locality to find yourself in.
The Sandy Way from the east, skirting Ryder’s Hill’s north flank, provides the driest and safest route to and from the head.
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