Okehampton (a.k.a. “Soakhampton”)

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26 (1%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: TiggerOnTor, Cbdarke, Lotti, Richard Blight, CocosCrew, bobfitzy62, GlavindStrachan, dartefact, DartmoorFromAnAutisticPerspective, SteveGrigg, mkcladi, Torbagga, Dartmoor Paul, Max Piper, noisemonkey, Amanda Ellis, Celia Tanner, BevDickinson, Pat, Beth Robotham, Neil Handley, Clanger, cburridgebarney, Fr66, Sheron, Itareldie

Okehampton is a bustling market town known for its quirky shops that line the main high street and there is some wonderful architecture to view. The town is also well-known for being at the northern foot of Dartmoor and Okehampton Camp where the army for that range are based, as well as being the start and finish of the annual Ten Tors Challenge.

Also known as “Soakhampton” due to its rather large amount of regular precipitation..

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