The Explosive Magazine

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15 (1%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: SteveGrigg, Max Piper, Jollux, Beth Robotham, Amanda Ellis, thevetchlings, Fidget, Clanger, Neil Handley, cburridgebarney, Torbagga, noisemonkey, John Clapham, Peter Brooks, John Deakins

The ‘Explosive Magazine’ is so called because this would have been used to blast any un-kaolinised granite that existed in the Redlake pit which was in the way of china clay extraction (Steve Grigg, Dartmoor Explorations website, 2020). It is located here because it is far enough away from the rest of the workings, therefore reducing any detrimental impacts should an incident have occurred.

If the wind/ rain is blowing from the north or west, this hut provides welcome shelter from the elements. Indeed, one April day, when it felt more like January, I sat in here and had lunch while a brief hail storm, accompanied by gusts, raged outside. MP

Acknowledgement: The NGR and details for this item were kindly supplied by Steve Grigg.

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