B.M. 1378.6, SF

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1 (0%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: Max Piper

Visited Friday 28th October 2022.

Terrific find. The rock type on this side of Dartmoor is metamorphic/dolerite and not granite, which means that the rock is much more angular. Because of this, not only are benchmarks typically more eroded, they also ‘blend in’ because, unlike granite, sharp, deep veins and fractures are common. This find in particular is situated amid a boulder field. I only found it by heading to the most prominent rock (which is not necessarily going to yield a positive result – but it did here). The B.M. is covered in lichen.

Left: The B.M. as I found it. Right: A contextual shot with the B.M. ‘mudded in’.

Reference: Side by Side

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