Belstone Tor NW Footing

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During his ‘Secrets of Belstone Tor’ walk, Chris Walpole, in Dartmoor News, explains: “A few months before this walk I had received a photo and email asking if I knew anything about some ‘footings’ right on the top of the tor. Footings … what footings? I had walked past the top for over 50 years and never noticed any such things, but no doubt about it, there they were.” He continues: “Four man-made bases, one almost completely disintegrated, at each corner of a 2.5m square. In the bases were small pieces of corroded metal, clearly angled upwards and inwards as bracing for whatever structure had been there.” Walpole concludes: “This must have been another military signal structure of some sort.


  • Walpole, C. (2021): Dartmoor News, Issue 177, January/March: A Few Secrets of Belstone Tor

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