Maiden Tor or Sheeps Tor Warren

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6 (0%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: Fr66, Neil Handley, BevDickinson, Dartmoor Paul, Torbagga, Pat

Acknowledgement: Thanks to Steve Granger for suggesting (quite rightly) that Maiden Tor Warren (which is also known as Sheeps Tor Warren) is where a number of pillow mounds (marked on OS Maps) lie. The NGR given here by Max Piper is a 6-figure to encompass the widespread pillow mounds.

Rabbit warrening was very popular on the south-western part of Dartmoor; warrens such as Trowlesworthy, Legistor and Ditsworthy are all perhaps better-known. On Sheeps Tor, there are no less than three vermin traps (MP).

Reference: Tim Sandles, Legendary Dartmoor, Gazetteer.

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