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27 (1%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: Torbagga, Pagan Blacksmith, CocosCrew, Ale Drinking Wanderer, PurpleDEV1L, Justerri1, Lotti, Richard Blight, Fidget, Amanda Ellis, DartmoorFromAnAutisticPerspective, mkcladi, Dartmoor Paul, Pat, Max Piper, TiggerOnTor, noisemonkey, BevDickinson, Clanger, Beth Robotham, Neil Handley, Sheron, bobfitzy62, Fr66, SteveGrigg, Partonez, Tracey Kirkby

This Dartefact is visited by the following walks:

It’s not always like this, honest!

Princetown is a fabulous place to visit; where Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote part of his book The Hound of the Baskervilles, staying in what is now the Visitor Centre (once a hotel) in April 1901. There is a good selection of pubs and cafes to visit in the village and plenty of wonderful walks starting from here.

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