Small Row of Stones, below Western Beacon

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9 (0%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: Max Piper, Sheron, Hadrian, noisemonkey, Dartmoor Paul, Cvlucas, Fr66, Neil Handley, bobfitzy62

Notes: There are at least two stones positioned in a line here, upright and most probably not natural. Unlike the more prominent example up on the North Moor by Little Tor which is likely to do with military activities, this area of the South Moor does not boast that history and therefore begs the question why are these two (or more) stones so conveniently placed as to resemble a tiny stone row hidden in gorse? To help with listing, I have listed it as such, but it is unlikely given the extensive surveying of prehistoric sites undertaken on Dartmoor. It may even be related to the china clay works that once took place in the vicinity?

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