Wheal Lucky Cottage (ruin)

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4 (0%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: SteveGrigg, Amanda Ellis, Neil Handley, Fr66

Reference: Steve Grigg on the DARTMOOR 365 Facebook Group has kindly supplied Dartefacts with the information and NGR for this item, crediting “three articles in the Dartmoor Magazine from Autumn 1986 (written by Barbara Stevens), and Summer 1990/Autumn 1990 (the latter two written by Mavis Price), which detailed the lives of two Dartmoor “Old ladies of the moor”, Mary Jane Williams (aka Aunt Polly or Granny Williams) and her mother Jane Easterbrook. They lived for large portions of their lives at Wheal Lucky Cottage. The cottage is now a ruin and was at one time known as West Wheal Lucky. It comprised of only two small rooms.”

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