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9 (0%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: SteveGrigg, dartefact, Max Piper, Neil Handley, noisemonkey, Fr66, Amanda Ellis, BevDickinson, John Deakins
Note: Apologies for breaking copyright by using a print-screen image of MagicMap as my featured image here!
Well done to Max Piper for finding his way to this page. Do you get the purpose of this project now Max?!? You are now ‘Lord of the Rings!’ Ha ha!
I have visited this ring contour (years ago) and while stood on it I suddenly had a ridiculous idea for another Dartmoor ‘hunting’ activity..
..but looking at the 1:25k map I realised how much time this project would take.. on top of all the other projects I was constantly inventing.. so I didn’t get far..
This task is now open to anyone who wants it..!
The map below is set to a maximum zoom of 1:50k. To zoom into the map further (1:25k) you need to be a subscriber. You can become a subscriber by visiting this page.
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