Cut Lane (Peat Pass)

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14 (0%) of Registered Dartefacters have visited this item. They are: SteveGrigg, Baron Baskerville, Dave Isherwood, Neil Handley, Max Piper, Fr66, Amanda Ellis, Peter Caton, BevDickinson, Dartmoor Paul, The_greenman, Kbworth, Dartmoor Chris, John Deakins

Cut Lane is not a Frank Phillpotts’ peat pass and is not marked by any plaques at either end. Instead, this pass was created by moormen as a drier, safer passage between East Dart Country and Tavy Country; a narrowing of the great north to south plateau from Okement Hill to Devil’s Tor where better terrain exists in Cut Lane Stream and Rush Bottom. The length of the peat pass is not entirely clear as a clear path extends to the south-east towards Hangman’s Stream Foot, passing Cut Hill Outcrop.

At the western end of the pass as marked on Ordnance Survey maps, there are scattered rocks and a number of upright stones… obviously placed by hand, these must exist to guide the traveller.

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